I was not meant to interview Iosefina - I was in the car, ready to leave Roșia Montană for Southern Romania, when my point of contact in the village told me that there was someone else I could speak to: a 92 year-old woman living alone, on the outskirts of the community. Iosefina was incredibly welcoming, patient, and kind. She took her time remembering and telling me stories about how her village had changed throughout those 9 lived decades. She showed me portraits of her late husband and her, painted many years back that now hang in her bedroom. She told me about how she built her own home over 50 years prior, and walked me through the materials she used. She told me about how she recently joined the Roșia Montană resistance group, working to stop the exploitation of gold in the nearby mines by a Canadian corporation. She told me about discos where she used to go dancing.
Iosefina passed away a week after recording her oral history.